The Best of Gregory Benford Page 37
Environmental Hard Liners Say ‘Inevitable’
(AP)…“What I’m saying,” Earth First! spokesman Josh Leonard said, “is that we’re wasting our resources trying to hold back the tide. It’s pointless. Here in the North we have great medical expertise. Plenty of research has gone into fathoming the human immune system, to fixing our cardiovascular plumbing, and the like. But to expend it trying to fix every disease that pops up in the South is anti-Darwinian, and futile. Nature corrects its own mistakes.”
…Many in the industrialized North privately admit being increasingly appalled with the South’s runaway numbers. Their views are extreme. They point to how Megacities sprawl, teeming with seedy, impoverished masses. Torrents of illegal immigration pour over borders. Responding to deprivation, Southern politico/religious movements froth and foment, few of them appetizing as seen from a Northern distance. “The more the North thinks of humanity as a malignancy,” said psychophilosopher Norman Wills, “the more we will unconsciously long for disasters.”
Amy was not really surprised. The Nets seethed with similar talk. Todd had been predicting this for years. That made her think of him, and she shut down her laptop.
He stopped at the BioSalvage Southern Repository to pick up the next set of instructions, maps, political spin. It was a huge complex—big gray concrete bunker-style for the actual freezing compartments, tin sheds for the sample processing. All the buzz and clatter of the rest of Caracas faded as he walked down alleys between the Repository buildings. Ranks of big liquid nitrogen dewars. Piping, automatic labeling machines, harried workers chattering in highly accented Spanish he could barely make out.
In the foyer a whole wall was devoted to the history of it. At the top was the abstract of Scott’s first paper, proposing what he called the Library of Life. The Northern Repository was in fact called that, but here they were more stiff and official.
A broad program of freezing species in threatened ecospheres could preserve biodiversity for eventual use by future generations. Sampling without studying can lower costs dramatically. Local labor can do most of the gathering. Plausible costs of collecting and cryogenically suspending the tropical rain forest species, at a sampling fraction of 10-6, are about two billion dollars for a full century. Much more information than species DNA will be saved, allowing future biotechnology to derive high information content and perhaps even resurrect then-extinct species. A parallel program of limited in situ preservation is essential to allow later expression of frozen genomes in members of the same genus. This broad proposal should be debated throughout the entire scientific community.
Todd had to wait for his appointment. He fidgeted in the foyer. A woman coming out of the executive area wobbled a bit, then collapsed, her clipboard clattering on marble. Nobody went to help. The secretaries and guards drew back, turned, were gone. Todd helped the woman struggle into a chair. She was already running a fever and could hardly speak. He knew there wasn’t anything to do beyond getting her a glass of water. When he came back with one, a medical team was there. They simply loaded her onto a stretcher and took her out to an unmarked van. Probably they were just going to take her home. The hospitals were already jammed, he had heard.
He took his mind off matters by reading the rest of the Honor Wall, as it was labeled. Papers advocating the BioSalvage idea. A Nobel for Scott. Begrudging support from most conservation biologists.
Our situation resembles a browser in the ancient library at Alexandria, who suddenly notes that the trove he had begun inspecting has caught fire. Already a wing has burned, and the mobs outside seem certain to block any fire-fighting crews. What to do? There is no time to patrol the aisles, discerningly plucking forth a treatise of Aristotle, or deciding whether to leave behind Alexander the Great’s laundry list. Instead, a better strategy is to run through the remaining library, tossing texts into a basket at random, sampling each section to give broad coverage. Perhaps it would be wise to take smaller texts, in order to carry more, and then flee into an unknown future.
“Dr. Russell? I am Leon Segueno.”
The man in a severe black suit was not his usual monitor. “Where’s Confuelos?”
“Ill, I believe. I’ll give you the latest instructions.”
Back into the executive area, another new wrinkle. Segueno went through the fresh maps with dispatch. Map coordinates, rendezvous points with the choppers, local authorities who would need soothing. A fresh package of local currency to oil palms, where necessary. Standard stuff.
“I take it you will be monitoring all three of your groups continuously?”
An odd question. Segueno didn’t seem familiar with procedures. Probably a political hack.
“I get around as much as I can. Working the back roads, it isn’t easy.”
“You get to many towns.”
“Gotta buy a few beers for the local brass hats.”
“Have you difficulty with the superflu?”
“Some of the crew dropped out. We hired more.”
“And you?”
“I keep away from anybody who’s sniffling or coughing.”
“But some say it is spread by ordinary breath.”
He frowned. “Hadn’t heard that.”
“A United Nations team reported so.”
“Might explain how it spreads so fast.”
“Si, si. Your wife, I gather she is working for the U.N.?”
“On this same problem, right. I hadn’t heard that angle, though.”
“You must be very proud of her.”
“Uh, yes.” Where was this going?
“To be separated, it is not good. Will you see her soon?”
No reason to hide anything, even from an officious bureaucrat. “This week. She’s joining me in the field.”
Segueno chuckled. “Not the kind of reunion I would have picked. Well, good luck to you.”
He tried to read the man’s expression and got nothing but a polished blandness behind the eyes. Maybe the guy was angling for some kind of payoff? Nothing would surprise him any more, even in the Repository.
He stopped off in the main bay. High sheet-metal ceiling, gantries, steel ramps. Stacks of blue plastic coolers, filled with the labeled sacks that teams like his own sent in. Sorting lines prepared them further. Each cooler was logged and integrated into a geographical inventory, so that future researchers could study correlations with other regions. Then the coolers went into big aluminum canisters. The gantries lowered these into permanent place. Tubes hooked up, monitors added, and then the liquid nitrogen pumped in with a hiss. A filmy fog, and another slice of vanishing life was on its way to the next age.
Todd wondered just when biology would advance to the point where these samples could be unfolded, their genes read. And then? Nobody could dictate to the future. They might resurrect extinct species, make leopards again pace the jungle paths. Or maybe they would revive beetles—God must have loved them, He made so many kinds, as Darwin himself had remarked. Maybe there was something wonderful in those shiny carapaces, and the future would need it.
Todd shrugged. It was reassuring to come here and feel a part of it all.
Going out through the foyer, he stopped and read the rest of the gilt lettering on polished black marble.
We must be prudent. Leading figures in biodiversity argue that a large scale species dieback seems inevitable, leading to a blighted world which will eventually learn the price of such folly. The political impact of such a disaster will be immense. Politics comes and goes, but extinction is forever. We may be judged harshly by our grandchildren, our era labeled the Great Dying or the Age of Appetite.
A future generation could well reach out for means to recover their lost biological heritage. If scientific progress has followed the paths many envision today, they will have the means to perform seeming miracles. They will have developed ethical and social mechanisms we cannot guess, b
ut we can prepare now the broad outlines of a recovery strategy, simply by banking biological information.
These are the crucial years for us to act, as the Library of Life burns furiously around us, throughout the world.
He left. When he got into his rental Ford in the parking lot, he saw Segueno looking down at him through a high window.
He had not expected to get a telephone call. On a one-day stop in Goias, Brazil to pick up more coolers and a fresh crew, there was little time to hang around the hotel. But somehow she traced him and got through on the sole telephone in the manager’s office. He recognized Amy’s voice immediately despite the bad connection.
“Todd? I was worried.”
“Nothing’s gone wrong with your plans, has it?”
“No no, I’ll be there in two days. But I just heard from Freddie that a lot of people who were delegates at the Earth Summit have come down with superflu. Are you all right?”
“Sure, fine. How’s it there?”
“I’ve got a million tales to tell. The civil war’s still going on and we’re pulling out. I wrote you a letter, I’ll send it satellite squirt to your modem address.”
“Great. God, I’ve missed you.”
Her warm chuckle came through the purr of static. “I’ll expect you to prove it.”
“I’ll be all set up in a fresh camp, just out from Maraba. A driver will pick you up.”
“Terrif. Isn’t it terrible, about the Earth Summit?”
“Nobody’s immune.”
“I guess not. We’re seeing ninety percent affliction in some villages here.”
“What about this ban on passenger travel? Will that—”
“It isn’t sticking. Anyway, we have U.N. passes. Don’t worry, lover, I’ll get there if I have to walk.”
He got her letter over modem within a few minutes.
We’re pinning down the epidemiology. Higher fevers in women, but about 97% recover. Freddie’s getting the lab results from the samples we sent in. He’s convinced there’ll be a vaccine, pronto.
But it’s hard to concentrate, babe.
This place is getting worse by the hour. We got a briefing on safety in Zambia, all very official, but most of the useful stuff we picked up from drivers, cops, locals on street corners.
You have to watch details, like your license plates. I got some neutral plates from some distant country. People sell them in garages. Don’t dare use the old dodge of putting a PRESS label on your car. Journalists draw fire here, and a TV label is worse. Locals see TV as more powerful than the lowly word-artists of newspapers. TV’s the big propaganda club and everybody’s got some reason to be mad at it.
We got a four-wheel job that’ll go off-road. Had to be careful not to get one that looked like a military jeep. They draw fire. We settled on a white Bighorn, figuring that snipers might think we were U.N. peacekeeping forces. On the other hand, there’s undoubtedly some faction that hates the U.N., too.
Plenty of people here blame us—Westerners—for the superflu. We get hostile stares, a few thrown rocks. Freddie took a tomato in the chest today. Rotten, of course. Otherwise, somebody’d have eaten it.
We go out in convoys, seeking superflu vectors. Single cars are lots more vulnerable. And if we break down, like yesterday, you’ve got help.
I picked up some tips in case we come under fire. (Now don’t be a nervous husband! You know I like field work…) Bad idea to ride in the back seat of a two-door—hard to get out fast. Sit in the front seat and keep the door slightly open so you can dive out. Windows open, too, so you can hear what’s coming down.
Even in town we’re careful with the lights. Minimal flashlight use. Shrouds over camera lights as much as you can. A camera crew interviewing us from CNN draped dark cloth over their heads so nobody could see the dim blue glow of the viewfinder leaking from around their eyes.
Not what you wanted your wife to be doing, right? But it’s exciting! Sorry if this is unfeminine. You’ll soon have a chance to check out whether all this macho stuff has changed my, uh, talents. Just a week! I’ll try to be all frilly-frilly. Lover, store up that juice of yours.
He stared at the glimmering phosphors of his laptop. Superflu at the Earth Summit. Vaccine upcoming. Vectors colliding, and always outside the teeming city with its hoarse voices, squalling babies and swelling mothers, the rot of mad growth. Could a species which produced so many mouths be anything more than a blight? Their endless masses cast doubt upon the importance of any individual, diminished the mind’s inner sense.
He read the letter again as if he were under water, bubbles springing from his lips and floating up into a filmy world he hoped someday to see. He and Amy struggled, knee-deep in the mud of lunatic mobs. How long, before they were dragged down? But at least for a few moments longer they had the shadowy recesses of each other.
He waited impatiently for her beside his tent. He had come back early from the crew sites and a visit to the local brass hats. It had gone pretty well but he could not repress his desire for her, his impatience. He calmed himself by sitting in his canvas-backed chair, boots propped up on a stump left by the land clearing. He had some background files from Amy and he idly paged through them on his laptop. A review paper in Nature tried to put the superflu in historical perspective.
There were in fact three bubonic plagues, each so named because the disease began with buboes—swollen lymph glands in the groin, armpit, neck. Its pneumonic form spread quickly, on breaths swarming with micro-organisms, every cough throwing microorganisms to the wind. A bacterial disease, the bacillus Pasteurella pestis was carried by fleas on Rattus rattus.
In assessing the potentials of Superflu, consider the first bubonic pandemic. Termed the Plague of Justinian (540-590), who was the Caesar of the era, it began the decline of the Roman Empire, strengthened Christianity with its claims of an afterlife, and discredited Roman medicine, whose nostrums proved useless—thus strangling a baby science. By the second day of an ever-rising fever, the victims saw phantoms which called, beckoning toward the grave. The plague ended only when it killed so many, up to half the population of some cities, that it ran out of carriers. It killed a hundred million, a third of the region’s population, and four times the Black Death toll of 1346-1361.
Our Superflu closely resembles the Spanish Influenza, which actually originated in Kansas. It was history’s worst outbreak, as rated by deaths per day—thirty million in a single fall season of 1918. The virus mutated quickly, though accidental Russian lab release of a frozen sample in 1977 caused a minor outbreak.
He lay on his cot, waiting for the sound of his jeep, bearing Amy. Through the heavy air came the oddly weak slap of a distant shot. Then three more, quick.
He stumbled outside the tent. Bird rustlings, something scampering in the bush. He was pretty sure the shots had come from up the hill, where the dirt road meandered down. Nothing moving among the twilight trees.
He had envisioned this many times before but that did not help with the biting visceral alarm, the blur of wild thoughts. He thought he had no illusions about what might happen. He walked quickly inside and slapped his laptop shut. Two moths battered at the lone lantern in his tent, throwing a shrapnel of shadows on the walls, magnified anxiety.
Automatically he picked up the micro-disks which carried his decoding routines and vital records. He kept none of it on hard disk so he did not need to erase the laptop. His backpack always carried a day’s food and water and he swung it onto his back as he left the tent and trotted into the jungle.
Evening falls heavily in beneath the canopy. He went through a mat of vines, slapping aside the stinging flies which rose angrily.
Boots thumping behind him? No, up on the dirt road. A man’s shout.
He bent over and worked his way down a steep slope. He wished he had remembered to bring his helmet. He crouched further to keep below the ferns but some caught him in the face. In the fading shafts of green radiance he went quietly, stooped forward. Cathedral pill
ars of old trees were furred with orange moss. The day’s heat still thickened the air. He figured that if she got away from them she would go downhill. From the road that led quickly into a narrowing canyon. He angled to the left and ran along an open patch of rock and into the lip of the canyon about halfway down. Impossible to see anything in there but green masses.
There was enough light for them to search for her. She would keep moving and hope they didn’t track her by the sound. Noise travels uphill better in a canyon. He plunged into lacerating fronds and worked his way toward where he knew a stream trickled down.
Somebody maybe twenty meters ahead and down slope. Todd angled up to get a look. His breath caught when he saw her, just a glimpse of her hair in a fading gleam of dusk. Branches snapped under his boots as he went after her. She heard as he had hoped and slipped behind a tree. He whispered, “Amy! Todd!” and there she was suddenly, gripping her pop-out pistol.
“Oh god!” she said and kissed him suddenly.
“Are you hurt?” he whispered.
“No.” Her eyes ricocheted around the masses of green upslope from them. “I shot the driver of my jeep. In the shoulder, to make him stop. I had to, that Segueno—”
“Him. I wondered what the hell he was— Wait, what’d you shoot at after that?”
“The jeep behind us.”
“They stopped?”
“Just around the curve, but they were running toward me.”
“Where was Segueno?”
“In my jeep.”
“He didn’t shoot at you?”
“No, I don’t think—”
“He probably didn’t want to.”